Monday, August 27, 2012

Addictive Things

Since my time all summer has been short (as is my attention span often,) I have several long posts in the draft queue, waiting for images or editing or other revisions.

Rather than let it continue to languish, I figured I'd start a stupid new feature, Addictive Things, where I wax poetic about my latest food finds.

There's a catch, though.  That picture over there.  (I borrowed that from somewhere.  I don't remember where.  Thank you, person who made it.  I promise to link back someday soon.)

So just because I'm insane about something one day doesn't mean I will be in a month or two years or even a day.  I can't control it.  The switch flips randomly.  Sometimes it flips back, sometimes it doesn't.

Having said that, I give you ... Addictive Things.