Sunday, April 14, 2013

Teeny Weeny Turkey Panini

Teeny Weeny Turkey Panini
You know "panini" is plural, right?  So don't say, "paninis."  Or FOR GOD'S SAKE, "panini's."  I will hunt you down.  The singular is "panino," though I will forgive you if you don't say that because it does sound pretentious.

So as I was prepping to make this recipe, I grabbed a bag of pre-washed arugula out of the fridge ... and it felt ... crunchy.  And hard.  And compact.  When I opened it, I saw frost.  Upon investigation, I discovered someone had turned up the setting on my fridge to "max."  If it wasn't freezer-cold, it was damn close.

So I left the arugula out, which probably pleased the kids -- hey, that could have been a mastermind scheme to not have to eat arugula, now that I think of it.

I love this recipe.  More prep, less cooking.  Thirty minutes, max.

Smoked Turkey Club Panini
serves 4
Adapted from Cook's Country, June/July 2010